Turfcare machinery training courses
One of the greatest investments a customer can make to safeguard their machinery is to invest in training for the mechanics and operators that work with the machines.
And we’ve made it extra easy to get the knowledge you and your team need so downtime is kept at a minimum and operations run smoothly. Our range of four comprehensive training courses are held at your venue and focus on getting the best from your Toro equipment in just two days.
Choose your course
The courses available cover operating machinery safely, maintaining the mechanics of your machine, calibrating your sprayer and using our range of electric machines and will give you the training you need to ensure you can operate your chosen machinery safely and efficiently in an environment with which your team is familiar.
Course materials and assessments are included in the fees, and manufacturer-backed certification is provided at the end. Each of Reesink’s courses range from one to two days of training and can be conducted on an individual basis or in small groups.
A well-trained operating team can impact on running costs by catching things early and dealing with them at the most cost-effective point, and ultimately maintain the performance and extend the longevity of your machines.
Get in touch
Interested in professional machinery training? Get in touch to ask about our courses and how qualified training can benefit your club or venue.