Toro Reelmaster 5010-H

  • 254cm Cutting width
  • Kubota + 48V battery Engine type

Technical specs

Toro Reelmaster 5010-H

The Toro Reelmaster 5010-H is the industry’s first and only fairway mower with a true hybrid drive system.

Its Kubota diesel engine, in-line motor generator and a self-recharging 48-volt battery pack work together to provide seamless power to the vehicle and cutting units. The combination of these two power sources comprises Toro’s patented PowerMatch hybrid power delivery system.

PowerMatch enables the Reelmaster 5010-H to match the power generated to the power required for all cutting conditions. The result is the availability of over 29.9kW (40hp), but only when cutting conditions require it, saving on average 20 percent in fuel usage, improving operating costs and the vehicle’s carbon footprint.

Smart Power automatically adjusts the mower’s ground speed for the terrain and cutting conditions to protect the electric cylinder drive components and maintain the desired cylinder speed, taking the guesswork out of a consistent cut.


Toro Reelmaster 5010-H

48 volt battery pack

The battery pack is made up of four, 12V, Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) batteries that are maintenance-free and sealed, providing seamless power to the vehicle and cutting units. With a design that allows for quicker recharge, faster current and bigger bursts of energy, they last even longer when shallowly discharged and repeatedly recharged with a system like our PowerMatch™.

Reelmaster 5010-H

Power and performance

Toro’s PowerMarch technology matches machine power output to what the conditions require. When hilly terrain and challenging mowing require more power than the 24.8hp (18.5kW) engine can provide, the Reelmaster 5010-H automatically redirects the cutting unit load from the engine to the battery pack, as needed.

Reelmaster 5010-H

Precision control

The Reelmaster 5010-H’s InfoCenter display makes maintenance and diagnostics quicker and easier for technicians. The on-board LCD display provides system information alerts, service reminders, diagnostics, fault codes and vehicle and cutting unit adjustments that are easy to see and understand.

Toro Reelmaster 5010-H


The Reelmaster 5010-H can accept both 5ins or 7ins diameter DPA cutting units in either 8 or 11 blade configurations, so you can choose whichever suits the size and shape of your venue best. Simply plug in the cutting unit and motors of your choice and the machine automatically makes all the necessary adjustments.

Toro Reelmaster 5010-H

Efficient cylinder performance

The electric cylinder motors allow you to precisely set the clip for consistent power across all five cutting units, delivering a superior cut every time. The cutting units also feature low-drag seals and low-friction bearing which improve wear and reduce the required horsepower to run the decks.

Toro Reelmaster 5010-H

Worry free

Removing the hydraulic components and replacing them with electric motors on the Reelmaster 5010-H means fewer leaks, better for the environment and your budget. The remaining vehicle and cutting unit lift system hydraulic lines are predominately hard lines or hoses with limited movement, and are not subject to the same fatigue or service intervals as the cutting unit hoses and motors.

Toro Reelmaster 5010-H

EdgeSeries™ blades

Dual Precision Adjustment (DPA) cutting units – featuring Toro’s EdgeSeries blades. Combined, they deliver a consistent, high-quality cut and superior aftercut appearance, better edge retention and less maintenance, lasting between 30 to 50 percent longer than a standard blade.

Reelmaster 5010-H

A fairway mower with true hybrid drive system

Get in touch

For more details, please complete the enquiry form or simply call 01480 226800 to speak to a sales representative.