Convenience is key with Toro MVP packs

. minute read

Standing for Multi Value Performance, these kits save 20 percent on the cost of the individual parts for over 100 different maintenance issues such as rebuilding rollers, replacing hydraulic hoses or overhauling cutting units.


Michael Hampton, Reesink Turfcare parts manager, comments: “One of the greatest money vacuums on the golf course is machinery downtime, but with an MVP pack ready to go you can both protect your equipment and see it working all season long. The thing about machinery parts is that they’re not really needed until something has already gone wrong. With Toro MVP packs, you’ll never be caught short in a crisis – any genuine Toro part you need is right there conveniently packaged in one handy box.”


Toro’s MVP packs are all about convenience and minimising downtime, enabling customers to respond quickly to problems so that their turfcare machinery can spend less time in the workshop and more time working. Having everything in a single package makes ordering and completing the job easier.


Michael continues: “At this time of year, productivity is key so machines need to be able to perform constantly and consistently. You can’t always prevent hiccups with machines, but having an MVP kit on the shelf means you can get a machine back up and running quickly without wasting time sourcing individual parts as issues arise.”


MVP packs are also ideal for keeping on top of routine maintenance, having parts to hand making the process hassle-free. And it’s not just the maintenance itself that’s made easier with MVP kits, they allow for more accurate forecasting when setting budget aside for parts and servicing too.


“When things get busy at this time of year, there’s always that temptation to run turf machinery harder and longer without proper maintenance. The kits also provide instructions on when to carry out maintenance depending on the model and number of hours of use so that operators can prevent issues before they ever happen,” Michael adds.


Toro MVP packs are a smart investment, ordering is easy and handy presentation boxes make storage easier. For more information contact distributor Reesink Turfcare’s Toro parts department on 01480 226800 or email