Highlighting opportunities beyond the pitch

Louise Saunders | Managing Director, Premier Sports Services

Louise, taking the lead on finance and strategy on the GMA Young Board of Directors, provides an insight into the multitude of different avenues available to young people considering a career in grounds.

As the Managing Director of her own business, Louise demonstrates the success that can be found in the grounds industry away from the pitch.


Why did you decide to get involved with the GMA Young Board of Directors?

I co-own a sports surfacing company and one of the biggest challenges I have is recruiting new talent, so being able to work with an organisation such as the GMA and actively encourage young people into the industry is a great opportunity. I’ve experienced the challenges of the industry first hand and recognise that there’s a problem in ushering in the next generation. The Young Board can hopefully start to address this in a really positive way.

What’s your role on the board?

I’m in charge of finance and strategy.

What do you enjoy most about being involved?

I enjoy getting my passion for the industry across to young people, showing them that this can be a really rewarding career with lots of opportunity. It’s been great getting to work with a group of individuals from different groundscare backgrounds. We all do different roles that are relevant to the industry, and we’ve got a really good relationship between all of us on the board.

Being able to work with an organisation such as the GMA and actively encourage young people into the industry is a great opportunity. I’ve experienced the challenges of the industry first hand and recognise that there’s a problem in ushering in the next generation. The Young Board can hopefully start to address this in a really positive way.

Louise Saunders
Louise Saunders Managing Director, Premier Sports Services

What do you most hope to achieve?

I hope to inspire young people to come into the industry. If I can make a difference to just one person and their career that would be amazing.

Where do you work and what does that involve?

I’m the Managing Director of a company called Premier Sports Surfaces. It’s a company I co-own, and as a business owner I’m in charge of financial planning, business strategy and moving everyone on to the vision that the business has.

How did you get into the industry?

I started off in the industry when I was 18 as an Office Manager for the same company that I now co-own, then worked my way up. I came on as a partner two years ago.

Louise Saunders at the Schools Into Stadia event in 2024

What’s your advice to those thinking about a career in grounds?

Keep an open mind. It’s a huge career opportunity in terms of progression. There are so many different things that you can do in this industry – it’s not just being a maintenance person at a football club. The possibilities are endless, and you can make a real difference to how people play and experience sport.

What’s the best bit about working in the industry?

I think just seeing a finished facility to be honest or seeing one that’s being maintained properly. It’s very rewarding seeing people be able to play their best on a surface that you’ve just installed or maintained. Knowing that your surface can contribute to a good game and people playing their best is a great feeling.